Rabu, 26 Mac 2014

Media Yahudi #CNN Mula Mainkan Propaganda Memburukkan Imej Malaysia #BoikotCNN

Lidah rasmi yahudi lahanatullah, CNN kini cuba bermain propaganda menghasut dan menjadi batu api untuk menaikkan kemarahan rakyat dunia terutamanya rakyat negara China terhadap Malaysia.

Dalam berita semasa yang disampaikan CNN sebelum ini, pihak CNN telah membuat satu berita yang jelas berbentuk propaganda untuk memburukkan imej Malaysia kononnya keluarga mangsa pesawat MH370 di China menyatakan bahawa "Kerajaan Malaysia serta Tentera Malaysia adalah pembunuh sebenar yang membunuh mereka (penumpang dan anak kapal MH370)". 

Sebenarnya tuduhan yang menyatakan "Kerajaan Malaysia serta Tentera Malaysia adalah pembunuh sebenar mereka" ianya telah di mulakan terlebih dahulu oleh pihak CNN dengan agenda agar rakyat China mengikut rentak propaganda mereka untuk memburukkan imej negara Malaysia.

Apabila rakyat China mengikut rentak propaganda CNN maka mudah la kerja puak yahudi lahanatullah yang berada di sebalik CNN untuk memburuk-burukkan imej sesebuah negara Islam seperti Malaysia di mata dunia.  Mudah la kerja puak yahudi lahanatullah menimbulkan perasaan "Islam Fobia". 

Ingatlah bahawa yahudi lahanatullah tidak akan merasa senang sekiranya mereka tidak memburukkan imej Islam didalam sesuatu isu.

1 ulasan:

  1. CNN itu memang si CELAKA News Network, spt. yg. digelar Pena Minang!

    Si FBI/CIA/Pentagon-MI6-NATO (Barat) (yg. sebenaqnya sudah dikuasai puak SYAITAN Illuminati Mossad-Israel/ZIONIS) dan ejen tempatannya dr. PENGGANAS Red Bean, DAPBANGKAI serta PELIWATPEMBANGKANGSONGSANG, memangnya tak habis-habis nak mengalih perhatian dari DIEGO GARCIA di tengah Lautan Hindi!

    Dan pi MAMPOSlah si DALANG-DUA-MUKA White House-ZIONIS itu - lihat di http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=40983, Repost: Obama’s Sodomite Past Comes Back To Haunt Him, By Wayne Madsen , January 8, 2012 (kalau berita ini tak benar, tentu Obama dan geng GAY Illuminati ZIONISnya yg. ramai dlm rejim Amerika, dah SAMAN!

    Dan apa maknanya Illuminati ini - lihat di http://www.blissful-wisdom.com/rothschild-sponsored-zionism-world-banking-control-and-israel.html , Rothschild sponsored Zionism, World Banking Control, and Israel, by Bill Woollam; di http://www.tokenrock.com/explain-order-of-skull-and-bones-the-78.htm , The Order of Skull and Bone; di http://vigilantcitizen.com/hidden-knowledge/the-order-of-the-illuminati/ , The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events, Dec 12th, 2012; dan di http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x-cHySUlw , IIlluminati Satanism, by EYEOFILLUMINATI2012.

    Lihat berita terbaru tentang MH370 di http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/03/25/355959/the-cia-hoax-flight-370-revealed/:

    Flight 370 The CIA Hoax

    Tue Mar 25, 2014

    By Gordon Duff : Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. ….

    Today we are told that the fate of Flight 370 is known, not yet identified debris has been spotted in what is called “the Southern Indian Ocean,” perhaps more appropriately described as “north of Antarctica.”

    We also know that the 777/200 is a “fly by wire” aircraft with controls in place that allow the CIA to remotely pilot the plan “in case of emergency.” We were able to verify the design and implementation of this system through Boeing, Raytheon and commercial pilots.

    ....The descriptions today in the New York Times and other...at worst “criminal.”


    When Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 was reported as having crashed in the South China Sea, a massive cover up began yet no one will speak of it, nothing is written of it and its broad consequences are a subject of no investigation.

    While people around the world were told the plane was “lost” or “crashed,” it was being monitored by NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) and its regional defense partners through secret systems installed in the plane.

    In 2006, Boeing announced the following, from a John Croft article in Flight Global:
    Boeing last week received a US patent for a system that, once activated, removes all controls from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a predetermined landing location.
    The "uninterruptible" autopilot would be activated - either by pilots, by onboard sensors or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck.

    Boeing says: "We are constantly studying ways we can enhance the safety, security and efficiency of the world's airline fleet."…..

    Sources claim the plane landed on Diego Garcia, was refueled, dead passengers “disembarked” and was moved elsewhere?....

    Makcik Sambal Belacan – PERTAHAN Islam dan umatnya, Raja-Raja Melayu/PM-TPM/UMNO/Bahasa Melayu, hak BUMIPUTERA Melayu dan BUMIPUTERA lain; dan hak orang miskin dari semua bangsa yang hormat Islam, dan bangsa dan hak Bumiputera (Bumiputera juga bermakna Pribumi/Orang Asal-Asli/Indigenous/Native/Aboriginal/First Nation).
